If you’re able to join us for the Deaf & HoH meeting today, here’s the Zoom meeting link: https://northwestern.zoom.us/j/4259292693


Link to the Medical Funnel Google folder (look for the Deaf & HoH project in the “Projects” folder): https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1obfIeS-xYwPFyjsduRkErehV9T5cQcsr?usp=drive_link



Hello all! During this time we'll work on our proposal for the LCSH related to Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. Please join in if you're interested in seeing how this work happens.


If you're able, please do a little research before the meetings on what terms or phrases might replace headings from the spreadsheet such as "Films for the hearing impaired." Remember we'll want to quote sources, so look for reliable sources (not just "some guy") and keep track of where you're finding information. Thanks!

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