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ASRSP Notes & Updates 

NEW NSF Project Reporting Enforcement Pilot: Per an email received from NSF Project Reporting Compliance on September 18, NSF will soon pilot a process to “encourage more timely submission of annual project reports.” 

From October 2, 2023 through January 31, 2024, Principal Investigators with overdue annual project reports will receive notifications requesting submission. First and second notices are on a monthly interval. If the report remains overdue after 2 notices (60 days) a final notice will be sent informing recipients of a temporary hold on cash payment. This includes awards that have overdue project reports of 60 days or more from three participating Divisions at NSF:
1.  Divisions of Computing and Communication Foundations (CCF) 
2.  Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI)
3.  Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)

Please encourage faculty to submit all outstanding annual project reports to NSF immediately to avoid payment holds. 

Effort Reporting: The University has changed to semi-annual effort reporting, effective FY2024. To ensure proper salary charges, monthly review of department’s payroll suspense is highly recommended.

Effort 101 & 102 are now available on myHRLearn. Effort 102 is a live hands-on training on Effort Reporting System (ERS) and registration is currently available for dates through December.

Effort reports for 4Q2023 will be generated on October 20th and due on November 17th.

Subcontract Invoices: As in years past, subaward invoice vouchers that were not fully approved by 9/8 were deleted as part of the fiscal year end schedule.  The ASRSP Subaward Team is in the process of re-submitting these invoices; department administrators may receive what appears to be a duplicate invoice but, in fact, is not.

Please contact Kathy Watson or Tameka Jackson with questions.  

Winter Recess: The University Winter Recess requires early deadlines for December reporting:

Subcontract invoices deadline: 11/30
Cost and payroll adjustment deadline: 12/7
Final draw: 12/12

Research Administrator Updates: As a result of the CERES implementation, all Research Administrator update requests must now go to Sponsored Research’s Business Systems and Operations Team. Updates in CERES will be migrated to NUFinancials.

Please continue to copy Bernie Hadaway on those requests to ensure time-sensitive changes are applied.


Recharge Centers: Center administrators should submit FY24 recharge rates to Sophia Gabay if still outstanding. To ensure compliance with federal regulations and Northwestern guidelines, and to avoid further delay, please send rate calculation templates no later than September 26th, 2023.

Space Survey: The University's FY2023 Annual Validation Survey is due on October 6th.  Training resources are available, and questions on functional codes can be directed to Pooja Thakkar.  

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