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We are pleased to inform you that the registration fee for Northwestern (students, post-docs, faculty, staff) has been significantly reduced.


Click here to register.



Call for Papers (Posters Only)


Bruker, NUANCE, the International Institute for Nanotechnology and Northwestern University are putting out a general call for papers (posters only) to be presented at the Seeing at the Nanoscale Conference in Evanston, IL. Topics cover a wide range of nanoscale imaging and modification applications and techniques within the specific focus of the four sessions. 


Contributed papers will be considered for poster presentations only at the conference.  There will be a poster contest with awards going to first, second and third place winners. 


Poster Contest:

Poster contest winners will be announced and prizes awarded during the Poster Session on April 17, 2013.


1st Place - $1,500 USD
2nd Place - $1,000 USD
3rd Place - $500 USD 


 Submit your poster application by: April 10, 2013. 



We all look forward to your poster submissions!

Best Regards,

Bruker AFM Team



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NUANCE Center at Northwestern University | Northwestern University | Cook Hall, 2220 Campus Dr., Rm 2036 | Evanston | IL | 60208